National Board Preparation Mentorship

Whether you're preparing for a practical or written exam it's often helpful to have a mentor and work with a group of like minded peers. Our Nation Board Preparation Mentorship is structured to meet the needs of registrants.

It can be arranged one-on-one or in small groups. Whether you're preparing to get your license for the first time, or doing a challenge exam to get a license for this country/province, we can match you with a mentor based on your needs.

A newly designed webinar set that you can do in modular format may assist those preparing for the Canadian National Dental Hygiene Board Exam. This program may also be useful for those who are already stressing about the 'exam' that has recently been implemented as part of CDHBCs new quality assurance program (QAP).

For more on this program see our Webinar tab

Give our office a call to discuss your specifics.

[Instructors/mentors  for this program vary depending on the needs of the client(s). This program has no affiliation with CDAC the NDEB, NDHCB or NDAEB.]

National Dental Examining Board of Canada's website at
National Dental Hygiene Certification Board's website at
National Dental Assisting Examining Board's website at

A list of dental regulatory authorities is available on the Canadian Dental Association’s website. A list of dental hygiene regulatory authorities is available on the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association's website at and a list of dental assisting regulatory authorities is available on the Canadian Dental Assistants Association's website at